Committee Purpose
To provide feedback, professional guidance, knowledge, oversight and peer communication as appropriate on claims submitted to the Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, RRG (WHI) dentist program. Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group, is a DBA: of California Healthcare Insurance Company, Inc., A Risk Retention Group.
For full Committee Charter including membership & term, duties & responsibilities click here.
WHI Marketing Committee Charter
Committee Purpose
To provide a marketing strategy and plan to promote products and services, including market research and advertising as appropriate related to the business of Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, RRG (WHI) dentist program. Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group, is a DBA: of California Healthcare Insurance Company, Inc., A Risk Retention Group.
For full Committee Charter including membership & term, duties & responsibilities click here.
WHI Risk Management Committee Charter
Committee Purpose
To provide oversight and feedback regarding current risk mitigation strategies using professional guidance, knowledge and peer communication and to make recommendations regarding emerging risks and proposed risk management initiatives as appropriate for the Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, RRG (WHI) dentist program. Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group, is a DBA: of California Healthcare Insurance Company, Inc., A Risk Retention Group.
For full Committee Charter including membership & term, duties & responsibilities click here.
WHI Underwriting Committee Charter
Committee Purpose
To provide underwriting feedback on new or renewal applications received for the Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, RRG (WHI) dentist program. Washington Healthcare Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group, is a DBA: of California Healthcare Insurance Company, Inc., A Risk Retention Group.
For full Committee Charter including membership & term, duties & responsibilities click here.
To be considered for participation on one of the above Committees please provide your first and second choice on the form below.