Reporting a Claim

In the event of an incident or potential claim: 

  • Please complete the Confidential Loss Report (CLR) to assist with the initial report of a claim, suit or event.
  • Once the CLR is submitted, an Optima Claims Specialist will contact you to verify information, assist in confirming the documentation required beyond the CLR, and answer any questions about the claim process.
  • If you need assistance in reporting, or would like to speak with someone immediately, please contact Jim Williams, Senior Vice President-Claims, at (949) 307-2513 or


Some examples of the type of matters to report include:

  • Notice of Intent to Sue
  • Summons & Complaint or Demand for Arbitration
  • Government Code Claim or Licensing Board Investigation
  • Letter from patient or attorney demanding monetary compensation
  • EEOC or similar State law charges (EPL coverage)
  • Potential compensable events (see Early Reporting of Events)


Early Reporting of Events: 

An early report of circumstances likely to become a claim, may allow us to assist in helping to prevent the matter from developing into a claim. We encourage reporting of:

  • An unexpected outcome with potential compensable damages
  • A threat of litigation by a patient, family member, or attorney
  • A letter from a patient or attorney complaining about the care provided
  • Whenever you believe the circumstances or event may reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim for damages.

Optima Claims staff has substantial experience in handling professional liability and employment liability claims, and stands ready to assist and support you with a strong, defense-minded approach to the resolution of claims.